



「秘密」支票~宇宙銀行現在開始營業囉!The Bank of the Universe is now open!






It has unlimited abundance, available to you right now! 這裡有無窮的富足,你現在就可以取用!

Actually it has never NOT been open, but only a few throughout the history of mankind knew of the unlimited abundance that was theirs for the asking. 而事實上這銀行一直都開著,但是只有少數人知道只要他們開口,就有無限的資源是屬於他們的。

You must believe that you can receive it, so take small steps with the amounts, if that feels more believable to you. 你一定要相信你可以得到這些,因此開始你的步伐吧,僅管步伐不大,只要對你來說這樣是比較可行的話就好。

Place the check in a prominent position where you will see it every day! 把這張支票放在顯眼、你每天看的到的地方!

Every time you look at the check, STOP!!! BELIEVE and FEEL that you have the money NOW!


              Print out the check, fill in your name and the amount you wish to receive.將支票印下來,把你的名字和想要的金額填上。




  1. 先看最上面左邊,Universal Bank (Un)limited,U背後的底圖是The Secret片中的阿拉丁神燈,設計者把神燈的底座和U結合。再來是Limited,這個字本來在這,應該是「有限」公司,可是,前面特別括了個(UN),表示「宇宙」這家公司是「無限」取用。
  2. 下面有一小行,Your wish is my command. 用的是The Secret裡那個阿拉丁神燈裡精靈說的那句話:「你的願望就是對我的命令!」讚吧!
  3. 再下一句 Remittance Device: Feeling Good 匯款通知--美好感覺
  4. To the order of ( your name ) 依據「你的名字」的指示
  5. Drawer:開票人 宇宙戶頭名稱:無限的富足
  6. 最下面有一句: Theis is not an instrument subject to Article 3 of the UCC. 本支票非隸屬於統一商務法規中的第3條款。
  7. 最妙的是中間有一行直的,要反過來看,Not negotiable: You must believe it and feel it to receive it. 不得轉讓!你一定要相信它、感覺到可以去接收到它!

          ps: 這絕不是空頭支票,也不會跳票!



